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Mental Resilience

Let me guide you through our succes formula for boosting your mental resilience and getting you back on track. 

In eight clearly structured modules, you will learn six essential skills guaranteed to give your mental resilience a significant boost. As a bonus, you"ll also receive two additional modules on the power of gratitude and the five key components of a healthy, sustainable lifestyle, for free!


Among other things, you will learn:

  1. How to create space between what you think of feel and what you do.

  2. How to effectively manage the overwhelming power of your emotions and feelings.

  3. How to reconnect with what truly matters to you in life and act on it more often, while respecting you current situation.

Our approach is not something we've just made up. The techniques and methods are based on the proven effective Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), which we combine with a healthy dose of humor, practical tools and genuine involvement. 

To access the e-learning, first create an account on our member page, where you can easily and securely complete your purchase online. Technical issues? Contact us, and we"ll be happy to assist you.

Please note that the course is in English to make it accessible to as many people as possible. 

Feel free to contact us for further information. Send us a message via our Business Whatsapp, and we'll ensure you receive a response within 24 hours. Whether you have questions or want to learn more about our services, we are here to help.

Disclaimer: Het online programma is geen vervanging voor individuele therapie. De cursus dient als een oriëntatie op de Acceptatie & Commitment Therapie (ACT) en kan worden gebruikt als ondersteuning of aanvulling op 1:1 therapie. Voor persoonlijke therapie of uitgebreide hulp bij specifieke mentale gezondheid kwesties adviseren wij je om contact op te nemen met een gekwalificeerde therapeut. Deelname aan de cursus betekent niet dat alle individuele behoeften of situaties volledig worden behandeld.

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Get in Touch 

Send a message to our Business WhatsApp and we'll make sure to get back to you within 24 hours. We are happy to assist you.

Bianca de Haas

Opening hours 

Monday to Friday 09:00 - 18:00







On site or

Online via Teams

KVK: 94314705

AGB: 94068472

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